The Institute of Global Harmony

The Institute of Global Harmony

The Institute of Global Harmony (IGH) is a college of higher learning that produces post-graduates, grounded in human values, with three specialized skills in the areas of human development (Truth, Sustainability, and Justice) that would assure creation and maintenance of a harmonious civilization: Subject Matter Experts (SME’s) ready to engage in their respective areas of human development to tackle challenging local problems in a manner that brings harmony among communities of people and the environment; SME’s who will prepare Harmony Curriculums (HC) for children of all ages – from pre-school to high school students to married couples; and Harmony Teachers (HT) who will teach and train children to become socially sensitive and responsible citizens. The high school graduates from the IGH may either take a vocational school training needed in the local communities or take upon undergraduate studies based upon their interest and aptitudes. The post-graduates from the IGH will be sought after by the governments, industry, organizations and the institutions alike. The IGH graduates will be the model citizens of tomorrow.

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