The basis of justice is in following the values that sustain all human relationships in every human encounter. Justice starts in the family and makes its way to the society, nation, and the world. Justice in the self implies resolution for individual problems, justice in the family implies a complaint-free relationship, justice in the society implies fearlessness, and justice in the world implies harmonious relationship with the environment. For the present state of the world, the students would obtain instruction in Human Values, Social Justice, and Economic Justice.
Human Values
Teaching of human values in the alternate system of education is important in the prevailing delusion-ridden human society. Human values in human conduct are essential for all human interactions for the greater benefit of the society. It is the lack of clear knowledge about human values that results in injustice, mutual dissatisfaction and broken relationships. There are nine established human values in all seven types of human relationships. A balanced mind is a prerequisite for understanding of human values to create harmony (a system) to restore: human balance, self-confidence, and human connectivity.
Social Justice
Social justice is the notion of equality or equal opportunity in society. Although equality is undeniably part of social justice, the meaning of social justice is actually much broader. The ideas of Equal Opportunity and Personal Responsibility diminish the prospective for realizing social justice by accepting the status-quo of inequalities in modern societies. Whereas the most recent theories about social justice illustrate the complex nature of the concept, existential harmony makes it simple from the standpoint of recognition of relationship and affording value to maintain that recognition.
Economic Justice
Economic justice is a component of social justice. It is affording a level playing field for all in building economic institutions, the ultimate goal of which is to create an opportunity for each person to access adequate material foundation upon which to have a dignified, productive, and creative life beyond economics. Its social component implies fairness in banking, loans and taxation.