One of the responsibilities of the Director is to develop Harmony Curriculum for the Degree Programs: MGH and DGH. These curricula have been approved by the Academic Council at IASE {D} University, Sardarshahr, Rajasthan to be taught under the Value Education Department as an approved curriculum under the University Grants Commission. In general, the harmony education follows four essential criteria: It must be 1) Universal in the sense that the educational curriculum must be universally applicable to all human beings at all times and at all places (all countries).That is, it must be independent of faith, race, culture, nationality, and gender; 2) Rational in the sense that it is logically reasonable for all students and teachers independent of their belief systems; 3) Verifiable in the sense that both the teachers and the students should be able to verify the content in their personal experiences independent of howsoever rational it is proved in the classroom discussions, and 4) Leading to individual and social harmony in the sense that it enables the students and the teachers alike to live in peace and harmony within themselves and the environment.The harmony curricula must include philosophical, scientific, and religious theories and practices in social, economic and political harmony including mass communication.
The curricula must also include other ideas covered in the mission statement. It is important to note here that the IGH is different from any other similar institute in the sense that the students would accept the program as their own and become the peace and harmony makers for the future generations. This factor must be the central point in the preparation and development of the harmony curricula. Correspondingly, the curricula must include courses that teach students about sensitivity toward the fellow human being, practice of human values in human conduct, respect for the law, responsibility toward the environment, strength of character and service for the fellow human being. The entire coursework at the Institute of Global Harmony (IGH) is based on Existential Harmony (EH). EH is intrinsic to all elements and systems comprising existence. It is based on the ever present three principles: Balance for Truth, Order for Sustainability, and Law for Justice.
The curriculum for the Certificate Course in Existential Harmony (CEH) is spread over a 6-mo. period. During this period, the students gain understanding of the basic science about life through coursework in Harmony Sciences. The curriculum for the Diploma in Existential Harmony (MEH) is spread over a 1-yr. period. During this period, the students gain a strong understanding of the basic science about life through coursework in Harmony Sciences and a Unique System of Education on Simulation-Based Technologies. This will include some training in living those values that comprise Harmony Sciences.
The curriculum for the Masters in Global Harmony (MGH) Degree is spread over a 2-yr. period. In Year One, students gain a strong understanding of the basic science about life through coursework in Harmony Sciences and a Unique System of Education on Simulation-Based Technologies. The students would be given training in living those values that comprise Harmony Sciences. In Year One, the students also obtain instruction in Health Maintenance and Preventive Medicine. In Year Two. the students obtain detailed instruction on Human Sustainability and Human Justice. It would also include a 6 month independent project.
Emphasis would be given to the essential disciplines in imparting education, teaching and learning such as listening, reading, writing and observing. Classroom discussion for dialogue as well as recitation by each student to reproduce the discussed material would be encouraged as a food for thought for individual reflection and contemplation. Experiential evidence would be accepted as the validation of learned material and would be the most important factor in the individual ability to have understood the discussed material, the meaning of education and the basis of global harmony.