General Information
Institute of Global Harmony Milap Bhavan Gandhi VidyaMandir Sardarshahr, Raj. 331401
Working hours(IST):
Monday – Friday: 10:00 – 18:00
Saturday: 10:00 – 13:00
Voice: (+91) 6377915043
Office of Admissions
Milap Bhavan Gandhi VidyaMandir
Sardarshahr, Raj. 331401
Employment at IGH
Institute of Global Harmony (IGH) is looking for world class and dedicated people with a strong commitment to teach and learn in the following areas:
Office of Human Resources
Milap Bhavan
Gandhi Vidya Mandir
Sardarshahr, Raj. 331401
Friends (Alumni) Relations
Friends (Alumni) Relations Office
Milap Bhavan Gandhi Vidya Mandir
Sardarshahr, Raj. 331401