Gandhi Vidya Mandir, Sardarshahr (Churu), Rajahsthan, (GVM hereinafter)…
An appeal and request to students all over the world
An earnest appeal … My generation and several previous…
Let me introduce myself
Greetings! For some time now, I’d in mind to introduce myself.…
A Special Initiative of Gandhi Vidya Mandir at IASE Deemed University
Gandhi Vidya Mandir, Sardarshahr (Churu), Rajahsthan, (GVM hereinafter)…
Vedic Principles of Harmonious Living for Peace Education
by Laj Utreja, PhD., Institute of Spiritual Healing, Madison,AL
Vedic Principles of Harmonious Living for Peace Education
Transformation Through Spiritual Practices
by Laj Utreja, Ph. D., Founder, Institute of Spiritual Healing, Madison, AL 35758
Basye Holland-Shuey, Adjunct Professor of Religion, Belmont University, Nashville, TN
Transformation through Spiritual Practices,911
Teacher Education for Peace & Harmony-A Vedic Perspective
by Laj Utreja, Ph.D., Institute of Spiritual Healing, Madison, AL
Teacher education for Peace Harmony
and continued …
Teacher Education for Peace & Harmony-A Vedic Perspective
Society and Politics in Spiritual Culture – A Vedic Vision
by Laj Utreja, Ph.D.
President, Global Harmony Association – USA
Founder, Institute of Spiritual Healing, Madison, AL
Society and Politics – A Vedic Vision
Philosophy of an Institute of Teacher Education
by Laj Utreja, Ph.D., Director, Institute of Global Harmony, Sardarshahr, Rajasthan
Philosophy of an Institute of Teacher Education
Peace and Human Security
by Manahar Charan, Research Fellow, IASE {D} University, Sardarshahr, Rajasthan
Laj Utreja, Director, Institute of Global Harmony, Gandhi Vidya Mandir, Sardarshahr, Rajasthan
Peace and Human Security
Peace and Human Security-LU-MC