An earnest appeal …
- My generation and several previous generations have not lived responsibly to assure human sustainability.
- You are the future of human kind, so assume responsibility to steer us in the right direction.
- You know that the Earth is sick. Here’s the proof: There is a global climate change; greed, selfishness and aggression have entered the psychosomatic makeup of most human beings. These things are making the planet uninhabitable.
- Only you through understanding can reverse the unsustainable trajectory of the sick Earth and its inhabitants being coerced and constrained by aggression of the nation states and greed of the big businesses.
- You can do so by knowing who you are – a unit of the Knowledge Order.
- Just like the Material Order, Plant Order, and the Animal Order, who are in harmony with each other, you can also create an Undivided Human Society under a Universal System of Human Conduct.
- This will create a harmonious civilization. And I’ll share with you a paradigm shift in education to do so.
- You can take the first step by joining the Institute of Global Harmony.
- I value your time to read this.
- The decision is yours.